Baylor University Medical Center

Dallas, Texas

Operational analysis drives renovation.

Design your renovation based on data.

Baylor University Medical Center’s ED had been operating at or above capacity for nearly 10 years with negative impact to service, physician referrals, quality metrics, staff morale, and patient satisfaction. As part of our planning process for the ED renovation, Haskell completed a bed capacity analysis, which involved reviewing ED patients in progress by hour of the day. With 33 patient rooms, the ED averaged twice that number of patients during peak hours.

Haskell’s operational analysis of BUMC’s workflow, staffing, and capacity ensured the design would reflect the emergency department’s specific patient and staff needs. This primary research, supported by data-driven tools like process mapping, dynamic scenario planning and computer simulation modeling, assisted the space programming and operational planning for the new department. Streamlined operations support increased patient and staff satisfaction, reduced staff stress and patient wait times, and improved patient average length of stay.

Haskell’s renovation and expansion to the Baylor University Medical Center Emergency Department tripled the size of the existing facility to house a major trauma department, two CTs, three X-rays, ultrasound, and lab services. The plan subdivides the large, long building footprint into functional zones and care team areas. Creating these operational units produced an ideal environment for providing optimum healthcare services while minimizing staff travel distances and providing flexibility in the operating size of the department.

The support areas (meds rooms, nourishment rooms and staff work areas) are located in the central core of each care zone. Utilizing half-height glass walls to provide staff and patients with an open view of the department, the design gives staff comfort that their patients are well and reassures patients that staff members are available and within sight if a need arises. The design locates less intensive care and support areas one level above, close enough to the main ED to stay connected. Challenges presented by this project included 100% renovation within the existing envelope and maintaining existing operations during the multi-phased construction.

  • 75,000 sf
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